Dear PID Youth,
It is with great excitement that NMPI, the co-operation group between the Nordic primary immuno-deficiency patients’ organizations, invites you to join us on our first ever Nordic Youth Camp in Iceland! We have created an adventurous and educational programme that is sure to keep you entertained, provide an opportunity to network with young adults from other Nordic countries, and will place a strong interest in learning and exploration.
Among other exciting events, beautiful Iceland will provide us with an exploration trip to an amazing lava cave, a visit to the Golden Circle, and some lovely relaxing time at the Fontana Spa.
This will be the first of hopefully many Youth Camps together with the Nordic organizations and we look forward to receiving all your applications.
What: Nordic Youth Camp 2019
For whom: Members in one of the Nordic PID patients’ organizations diagnosed with PID, between the ages 18-26
Date: Thursday 12 September – Sunday 15 September, 2019
Location: Reykjavik, Iceland
Participants: 1-3 persons per Nordic country
Fee: 100 € registration fee is required from all participants and is due after confirmation of admission
Language: English will be the official language during the camp
· Flights & accommodation (Thursday-Sunday)
· One support person from each participating Nordic country
· Transportation throughout the camp
· A medical expert available at all times
· Nutritious meals during the trip
· A safe and creative environment to get to know each other and have fun!

LAVA cave
Application: Please send your application to gmb@bhs.is or susanna@kickit.is Applications will be handled on first come, first served basis. Application opens 14 June, at 7:30 am.
Last date to apply: 30 July 2019.
Cancellation policy: 50 % of the registration fee will be repaid when a medical certificate is presented.
We truly wish to see many participants from all Nordic countries. You apply to the patient organization in your country. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:
Gudlaug Maria Bjarnadottir gmb@bhs.is +354 698 8806
Susanna Antonsdottir susanna@kickit.is +354 892 8574
Best Wishes
NMPI, Nordic Meeting for Primary Immunodeficiency
IDF - Immun Defekt Foreningen, Denmark
Immuunipuutospotilaiden yhdistys ry, Finland
Lind - Félag um meðfædda ónæmisgalla, Iceland
Norsk Immunsviktforening, Norway